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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Champion. Great work amkrogh. I've been contemplating building an audio resource section where you can stream audio live in the browser and then download it if you want it. It would be a lot better than having then in a topic, kinda hidden away. Hopefully a good 'ol pinning will help.
  2. Looks great! Show us more :D
  3. Some good progress on the site today. Finally sorted all the gallery uploads from member's albums into the resources section. Plus I've uncovered the source of those annoying errors, I will get them fixed ASAP ;)

  4. If you do a retweet on this page, they'll send a code which will let you buy a .com, net, or org domain for $0.98. They had to reach 15k retweets, which they have, so you should be able to collect your supercheap domain: http://www.namecheap.com/deals/20000-retweets-0.98-domains-june-2013.aspx Note though that renewel will be full price. It's really a scheme to get them repeat bussiness. If you gotta more than 12USD for an annual renewal, don't do it.
  5. Thanks, that error seems to be the common one amongst all these new errors popping up. Ok I've made a modification to the notifications code, and I've also added in dates. Can someone who's having trouble with them please let me know so I can investigate it further? I've never had any issues so I need to inspect someone's account to find out. Seems to be working fine for Pol.
  6. Thanks for the report. As the title says, this was a rushed release. To integrate the forums and website like we do requires a unique system and for each forum upgrade there are a bunch of files that need to be edited to get it working. This upgrade has been particularly buggy, but I'll try to get these fixed asap. EDIT: After several hours of experiments I have tracked down how to fix the array of errors across the forums. It's not an easy fix, but it should be done either today or tomorrow. EDIT2: Those errors should be fixed now. I've also replaced the forums avatar changer with my own, which is accessible both in the forums settings and from the global settings menu. The forums still have a lot of messy bits to be tidied up, but at least the functionality should be improved.
  7. Welcome back Ratty524 :) I remember you, very well. I saw you a lot at other RM communities back in those days too. A lot has happened here. Back in those days we were your generic IP Board and joomla website. Since then I've taught myself a bit of web development. The integration between the forum and the rest of the site is probably the best you'll see on the net in terms of design (still sorting out a few functionality bugs though :P ). I'm slowly turning the site into a real game dev website, starting with the content sections (resources, scripts, tutorials). Next up are feedback sections, such as a proper games section. Anyway, great to see an old face return :thumbsup:
  8. Yup, we've come a long way. Fortunately I developed a hobby out of web development and it's actually getting me through uni (Scored 2 web dev jobs using the site as a reference). It's been a long journey, last month it ticked over 7 years since I started. It hasn't been easy. I've been having dilemmas of faith. But there's a fight to be fought.
  9. Good on Metwe for going out of his/her way to thank you. I'm sure there are many more like that who appreciate you work equally as much. It's just a shame they are not as vocal, if they were maybe a lot more scripts would get made :P I've seen a lot of that around. A requester will ask for something, and when it doesn't come they act like it's their right to get it. Some of them have attitude issues.
  10. So? He made his choice, he's not coming back. Random comment, bob.
  11. Welcome to another official RMU Mapping Contest. The challenge: Map an "evil forest". Engines: RMXP, VX & VXA Map dimentions: 25 x 20 (800px x 640px) Rules: -The map must of the above stated dimentions -Entries are to be 800px x 640px image files (PNG or JPEG) only and must be PM'd to me -Scripts and panorams are permitted, but remember your entry is a single image file -The map must be made after the date of this topic Judging: Judging will be done via the community and maps displayed anonymously. Voters will be instucted to take in conisideration how much the maps reflect an "evil forest", and the skill each map displays (eg using a script to create particles is not skillful, it is the placement and combinations of tiles that count most). Prize: -1 month subscription to the site -bragging rights -Your map will be displayed on the corresponding engine page under Screenshots The closing date for submissions is Friday the 7th of June
  12. We actuallly have a resident evil category in the gallery: http://www.gdunlimited.net/resources/general/video-game-series/resident-evil
  13. Actually you are allowed to sell your game. The RMXP license allows commercial sales.
  14. No doubt they were. I will remove them later today (in a lecture right now) EDIT: Can someone either report or give me the link to the DS resources?
  15. Thanks Eco. Now we just need you to come back ;)
  16. If that is so then it's an amazing coincidence, because Celianna contacted me no more than 2 hours before you posted this topic. I made the assumption given that, and the manner in which you posted. Of course :) The trouble is I'm awfully busy with the actual construction of the website, I struggle to find for anything else (or any other hobbies for that matter...). It wouldn't make sense to spend so much time building a website just to sabotage it's reputation like that. At any rate, it's completely dishonest and it goes without saying that it needs to be taken seriously. Artists need that sort of protection. I've only had 3 hours sleep in the last 48 hours (yay exams) but I managed to create an extremely flexible reporting system for all of the sections I have built (which are most of content sections: scripts, tuts and resources so far). The reporting system is currently live on every single article of content, including each of the images in the resources sections, in particular on the grid view. The reporting system is quick an easy. If loads a popup, you enter a message, and send the report away. Anyone can report content; its open to both members and guests. Once I write it, these reports will be immediately recognized the 5 staff members who are global moderators or higher, meaning the reports are likely to be dealt with quickly, or at least brought to the attention of the entire moderating staff. Once I write these functions for us staff, I will make an official announcement on the matter because I intend to create new policies (I finally get to practice my law skills :P) in relation to members who upload, the manner in which the staff shall deal with reports, and to encourage members (and lurkers) to start reporting content where that content is wrongfully uploaded to uphold the integrity of our gallery. Such content really taints the works of those who have uploaded their own content to our site. The vision we have for this site requires us to step up the level of dedication to dealing with such content and protecting artists.
  17. That error must have occured i the profiles as the new resources system is to new that there is no report button, but I will build it asap. A lof of those profile tabs don't work. I'm not too worried about it right now as I plan to delete both the old gallery that puts that tab in the profiles, and the profiles. I'll do some stuff tomorrow, just finished a major test today.
  18. I'm glad you made this topic (btw you coulda logged in with your old account). Now I'm sure you've been in contact with Celianna or there's a topic somewhere flaming this site or whatever. Celianna contacted me regarding her resources. They were wrongfully and regrettably uploaded by a member (not a staff member). Now, members have permissions to upload images. Clearly it is impractical for staff to search the internet for identical images and determine whether they're entitled to upload or not. The solution here is for members like you, who know that works are wrongfully uploaded, to report them. That's all that can be reasonably done after a member wrongfully uploads them. Celianna did it and her works were immediately removed, although I'm sure she wasn't impressed with my message and obviously that's been passed onto you. I assure you (and her) there's no conspiracy to pirate commercial resources. Although I do encourage members to upload their resources for free to take away certain commercial sales. That is definitely a goal of mine, because I think the majority of people using RPG Maker shouldn't need to buy resources. There's no issue here. Start reporting so we can clean it up. Also, uploads are currently disabled (unless you're really smart and can find the link).
  19. Maybe you should visit more often, that way you will get surprised far less per visit :) Ah, I thought you may not like it. It's definitely a work in progress. It takes way too long to load, I'm not sure everyone has seen the slide down feature because it's too long to load. I need to create thumbnails to reduce loading times, add more info to the thumbnails, build on the image-view pages, create a licensing system and of course... building an uploader :P It takes so long when you build everything yourself.. :cry:
  20. Marked

    May Voting

    I don't usually make such announcements. He was made a global mod primarily because of his activity in the support forums. Bigace and him were the logical choices for global mods when our other staff just disappeared. Now it seems all of our staff members visit almost daily, which is great :D http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders BOOM this is my 4,000th post.
  21. Nah uh... anything in the forums directory isn't my code :grin: Although it probably would work if not for my integration system. I'll take a look.
  22. Oh I see, I can think of a reason why that would be happening. I think I can fix it but it won't be for a few days coz I'm currently doing an assessment.
  23. For a moment there I almost thought you did that old 'murican "we're the only country in the world" thing. Lulz. There's a lot of English speaking countries in the world. I'll speak for my own, most of our primary schools here are public and we're taught just fine. As I recall that stuff is some of the first things we actually do. We know that before going into highschool, but build on it at the start and at the end you're learning how to write essays. You guys have these community college time wasting things going up there, but we certainly aren't spoon fed english at university. I certainty don't remember anyone telling me how to write proper sentences studying finance, or law. Anyway, if you can speak perfect english and you know all the letters of the alphabet, I kinda think you can probably type it out just fine. I hate bullies with a passion. It's difficult for me to understand online bullying, but as we know it does affect the vulnerable. Most of us are mature and not stupid, but the vulnerable are vulnerable and stupid. To me its putting yourself in the situation to be bullied and its quite distinct from real life bullying. You want to say harden up to them, but you know I'm only 22 and I didn't get onto forums until I was 15, so it's the not the same for less developed minds. Like I say, they're stupid and society needs to protect the stupid when they're being stupid. All websites are owned by someone, I would like to see cyber bullying dealt with. I would be ok with administrators website's being punished (not the people themselves) for not ensuring proper moderation. I know that's off-topic here, just saying. And dare I say, people who spend a lot of time on the internet may be more prone to having a less stable mind, or at least less self esteem.
  24. Ok. It's possible you're misreading it (I hope that's the case) because I've missed out the times there when you get the notification. If someone posts in the same topic again then it looks like the count has gone up for now reason. The system works like your notifications build up until you click the button. When you click the button, the count is set to 0. You check your notification log here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog Hopefully the first 10 there match the 10 in your notifications dropdown. You can set what you get notified for here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications Although I haven't had time to test that. I assume it works though. The downloads, arcade and gallery don't matter because eventually I'll delete those.
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