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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Shin...do you really want me to go into an in-depth comparison of yours and his site? I'm just one person anyway, and I do prefer this site in both design and flow. Others will think differently. If someone were to copy this site, I would think they've got a idea, wouldn't I? :P Besides, I tried to help you and you took none of my advice, so you can't read much into this topic can you? Anyways, back on topic now. PM me if you need to.
  2. Web design is the visual front-end side of things and web development is the actual coding that produces an the html output to be designed. I guess you could lump both limbs under the one heading web development. Can you rename Jar of Dirt to Marked and make up a password and PM it to me? I want to be the 2nd member :>
  3. Sounds like another day in the US military (reference to that incident). And why do you think you're getting paid? I thought it ends at the end of the month. Pol! Stop playing minecraft and check this topic.
  4. Game Dev Unlimited = GDU Unlimited Game Dev = UGD That's the plan. If I get the time, I have some good ideas :) I actually have a notebook of ideas... But I actually work full time at a web design (sadly not web development) company after the university year, and its kinda hard to 1. do enough hours consecutively in the day to have enough time for other stuff and 2. go from working on a computer all day to doing the exact same stuff as a hobby. Can you imagine the state of body if I didn't have a mini gym in my house? :P Also I can't register on your site as "Marked", it says username is already taken D: Which clearly it isn't.
  5. Haha well, I've made up my mind. Otherwise I can't use 'GDU'. Oh, well then your customizations are impressive if you made them. I thought you may be good with CSS and HTML since both of our websites have a wrapper like this: This forum started out imitating Creation Asylum using a free forum service, that site is pretty much dead now but after all these years we still haven't caught their post count
  6. Did you just make a forum based off of this one? How flattering :D Now that I think about, switching them around to say "Unlimited Game Dev" prob sounds better... Have you been looking at my source code? It's a bit off a mess in there :P You'll need an element inspector or something to see the CSS since its minified. I sorta feel like this current design was my practice The logo looks great and that's a cool background effect you're doing there.
  7. Life is splitting into 3 different paths... I'll have to choose one eventually :(

    1. Polraudio


      take the blue pill

    2. Marked


      What about the red or green? :S Can't I just take all 3?

    3. Jar Of Dirt

      Jar Of Dirt

      Wander down one path, and if you don't like it return to the clearing and take the next.

  8. I'd do that if I didn't have to moderate stuff.
  9. Lmao :D You can't. I think it ends on like the 31st? That's a few more days away. Shin, 2nd place in MotM, if that's where you end up, is still an achievement!
  10. Yes we did have some members who filled up more than half the page with images. The idea is to encourage smaller signatures and that they're not taking up too much room and they are not slowing the page down too much. Although with gifs it doesn't make much of a difference, your signature alone 977kb of a total page size of 4768kb, and another is 800kb. I'm planning to add more restrictions to signatures when I code up the profiles. Right now I'm thinking of a few ideas to unlock signature features, which may include increasing the height. By "unlock" I'm talking about either purchasing through a point system or an achievement such as post count. I can see why you would complain though, unless you can change the height of your image you can't see the links below. Perhaps put them to the side?
  11. Well yeah, we will never come close to that level of immorality, the population of NZ is 4.5ish million. Nonetheless my standards are high. So what if we're better than the other countries if we're still corrupt. I tend to only want to care about my own country and my own interests in that respect. I'm not some save the world hippy. It's not that I don't care but why put effort into caring when things arn't good at home. It may the people of the internet who's voice counts, rather than people in individual countries. It's a dilemma because our PM got caught out, there's little doubt about any of it, but people don't care? That's the problem. People are getting the right messages, they're not informed or think they've got better things to do. Governments will do whatever they want within the limits of what they know they can get away with. It's the people who are the problem.
  12. Yeah, this whole Kim Dotcom thing has acted as the perfect mechanism to hold politicians to account here in NZ, and has exposed the politicians themselves and branches of government such as the police and NZ's FBI equivalent. Our PM blatantly lied, is totally corrupt and pro-american (as in supports the US government and wants to get in on the corruption and greed) and there was a poll after all of this came to light and his popularity fell only 2%. He lied to everyone and got caught, and they don't care? Since when do you support someone who lies to your face? Seriously that day I decided fuck you NZ. I was born in this country, I've never left and I was formally proud of where I come from, but when you support corruption like that its just unacceptable. Sometimes you just gotta stand up for what's right... I'll abandon my country if it comes to it. If they extradite Kim Dotcom, like fuck my taxes are going to the scum that run this country. I've been following the case very closely and if the sell him off to the US then they're selling a humans life and right to freedom that will deprived of him in that country where they'll lock up for god knows how long just because Hollywood wants it. Just because he is rich himself and there are videos of his extravagant lifestyle (but since he has started a family and has kids) they think the people won't care. If he gets extradited I'm packing up with my nz qualifications and working overseas.
  13. Welcome! GDU is the right place for you to be :> There's not much here, think of it as a framework for a future home of game developers :D
  14. It's an interesting dilemma about what to refer as a group of engines as. Im thinking engines.
  15. I think you should add some more detail to the topic http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/3919-minimum-requirement-for-a-project-topic/ And why create a new account?
  16. There's no real system for that, not a built in one at least. You could PM a moderator to remove the content until it's confirmed there is no copyright. Additionaly you should communicate with that member about the issue in case it was accidental and get yourself credited. I would prefer the former first, and then you should contact staff.
  17. Maybe. I don't know if I want to move status updates 100% to the dashboard. I can't easily recreate the old functionality inside of IPB's pages using my old code, I'd have to bring the old sidebar back, which may good idea. How troublesome is it having to wait for the recent posts to load? The idea here is trying to make the page load as fast as possible, having the recent posts load asynchronously doesn't affect the loading of anything else. I dont like the idea of status updates right there on the main forum page. It encourages misuse. We'll see what I come up with for the dashboard. What are your thoughts?
  18. Technically it's a 404 error, the link doesn't lead to anywhere and for some reason I'm unaware of its a real url. In order for the GDU system to work the forums default 404 system needs to be disabled, otherwise every page is a 404 because we're using our own urls and not the forums urls. The site still has a 404 system, eg, http://www.gdunlimit...et/fdgaregaejhk But the two systems are obviously out of sync. Also because of my exams (currently 50% through, yay) I had to rush GDU live and I've set up a few quick fixes involving a bunch of redirecting. I could probably restore the file... how bad do you want it? :P EDIT: Well here's the problem Try it now.
  19. They were on ruby http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/blog/72-kellessdees-blog/ Sadly, unless the links are flashing, they're invisible to people, even the most active of members :/ I'm not exactly hiding the link to the blogs.
  20. 1 down 3 to go. Lets DO this.

    1. Marked


      Yup. Lots and lots of them.. cost me about $50 too

    2. Wyzrd


      God damn. $50?

    3. Marked


      yeah... its like $6 for 50 cards. I needed large ones, so..

    4. Show next comments  258 more
  21. This is sooo ancient. There's better resources out there. It's coming up 5 years old.
  22. Only a primative society would jail scientists over an earthquake... shame on you italy

    1. madanchi


      Seems a bit shady.

    2. Marked


      I think it was seven scientists and a government official charged with manslaughter for those people who died in a 6.3 quake in 2009 in Italy. Shady? Its disgusting. Then again, I think can of worse happening in the world, but at least that's based on corruption and greed, that's a better reason than you're state run by twats. It's impossible to foresee a quake, I'd know. They're gona happen where where they've happened. You don't know when. GRR

    3. Polraudio


      Wow that's a stupid reason to charge anyone with.

    4. Show next comments  258 more
  23. You have to take into account that each predecessor has a time advantage over its successor. The graph's numbers are exaggerated until they are taken from a certain time period in which all engines were supported for the entire duration of that sample.
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