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Everything posted by Marked

  1. I found this tutorial and thought of you http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/01/26/be-less-annoying-reduce-bounce-rates-through-better-web-design/ I think it applies to you -nods- It certainly applies to this site too. Over the last month the average bounce rate is 55.75%, not too good at all.
  2. Lmao... that was really hard to read. I was writing a post when it came up that you replied while I Was tying. So I'll spoiler it. And here's some more advice: Does the width of the header vs the wide of the body bother anyone else? <table class="three-col" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="183" valign="top"> <td width="100%" valign="top"> <td width="183" valign="top"> </tr> </tbody> </table> If you found this And removed the class "three-col" as well as the first and last tags (where the width = 183px) then you could fix that problem. I'd do it for you if you want. But I also think the site needs to take into account both the larger screens. With small screens it should snap across just fine. But with a larger screen, say 1600px +, you can't read text when it stretches that far. Therefore you could think about setting a fixed with of 980px or so. Fair enough if you like the banner. There's also little things like padding in your tables Three items here are almost touching the border. If you can add some padding to those columns that would look better. I'm really not a fan of the forum software, but you can't change that :P Also, I like your forum structure. Do you have forums for tutorials?
  3. I want to say how philosophical of you but I fear you're going to argue why it's not I mean its pointless because there's not really two sides to it even though you just argued your point. I just think the poll is useless and won't be convinced otherwise :P I didn't intend to continue it with this post but.. you're argument is that the poll is not useless because of the content of the post. Thats the topic overall, I'm talking about just the poll. So the poll whether its there or not will make no difference to what ShinGamix uses from this topic to alter his site. This would be a great point for ShinGamix to step in I think and take a side. Even though we slaughtered this topic a wee bit..
  4. ShinGamix and I have discussed the site via PM. Interesting reply. I think its pointless debating on whether a poll is good or not, but ok. The above quote is all good in theory but it doesn't make sense. Your reasoning basically makes it useless to have a poll. The above poll is not yes or no either, its two extremes of a scale: "Overall good" or "Terrible". People just can't answer that because it may be nethier, unless you interpret it as yes or no. The only feedback he's going to get from the poll is either don't do anymore work on it, or do. Which pointless, because it clearly does need work. For arguments sake (I hope no one takes offense) the only advice Jon said was that it's a good site considering the circumstances (his first site) and you said CSS was boring. Now lets assume we're ShinGamix, what we do take from all of this? Pretty much nothing. There's nothing here he can use to help develop his site (the title of the topic is feedback and suggestions), particularly the poll. But at least there's my post and Broken Messiah's (which I also mentioned his points in PM). Y'know, I'm just saying. Hope that didn't sound arrogant or anything. I think that only applies to learning it for the point of learning. A long while ago I tried learning PHP and fell extremely short. Since I learned all that stuff purely in messing around with stuff for this site. So yeah its boring, but not the end result which why you do it, and you learn on the way. That CSS is boring or that the poll is accurate?
  5. Accurate? It's the opposite. Two options is not enough unless (which I think may be the case) You're looking for confirmation that you need to work on the design. If it's feedback you are after rather than motivation to make changes, then ideally the poll should have some kind of scale as well as categories. Whether its good or bad overall, what does that tell you? Well, I already told you my opinion via PM and it doesn't look like its changed since then. I could offer a lot more advice though in terms of the design. For example, the banner is too large and not integrated into the design, its just a square image sitting at the top. If you're serious about it then you should at least learn CSS. Its REALLY easy, its not programming or anything. You are limited to only CSS to change your design but that's all you need (as opposed to altering the HTML, which you can't in free forums). This forum started out exactly the same as yours 6 years ago and knew nothing about developing websites either, but I found it really fun to learn. Just messing around with things is the best way to learn.
  6. Oh really O: I'll keep that in mind, but it shouldn't be a problem. Once I get a website's files on there, I should only edit a few small files so that shouldn't be too much syncing. I had to prune the backup DB I was using for gdu, the actual files are like the size of the table, so just loading a page could trigger a 50mb+ sync.
  7. Making excellent progress on GDU.

    1. isaacsol


      That's great news Mark!

  8. Any loophole or precedent set by a fair and reasonable judge would quickly be legislated over and have precedence over any other form of law (except constitutional law). As long as there's a few making a ridiculous amount of money, I can't see it leaving any time soon. Does anyone in the US actually know what Obama care does? That's an awfully narcissistic name for legislation. I get the feeling there's confusion over it and some don't know what they're supporting.
  9. Nice, thanks for the link :) After 3 days I'm already at 700mb with my work files and I just started up GDU on my desktop for the first time, so that was pretty cool. I think I'm burning through bandwidth though :P
  10. Quite simply: -health care should be free for anyone -health insurance (like the US system) is inhumane (we have health insurance but that's for private hospitals, but everyone in NZ is entitled to free healthcare) -The fact that its hard to change is no excuse (which is what someone argued against me in the chat a while ago). There is an illness in my family and no doubt if we were born in the US we wouldn't be able to afford the medication he requires. There is no logical reasoning why the state should not fund healthcare. It's pitiful and disgusting to make profit from anothers lack of health. The US is too corrupt to change it, so long as all that profits being made.
  11. Lucky you :P So you've got 18GB? I'm at 4.2GB and I'm worried it won't last me long enough unless I continually move projects in and out and the server directory.
  12. Working hard on the GDU layout and UI. So much work...

    1. Chief


      Mark, you should get on skype more often.

    2. FranklinX


      GDU is the future.

    3. Marked


      @isaac: Yeah I'll take a nice long break over the weekend... where I'll work on more websites for my job O.O Right now I'm rewriting the CSS and Javascript output methods. This whole thing has been a huge learning curve, I think if I were to do it again it would take 1/4 of the time max.


      @Chief: I'm always on Skype :P I always see you online.

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  13. With my link?? You also gotta install it I'm not asking anyone to do that if they don't have a use for it. EDIT: YUS. Got it :D You're the first one on the list for GDU :)
  14. One really cool use of Dropbox if you make a lot of websites and own both a laptop and desktop, or more than one computer at multiple locations is syncing your web dev files between the computers. Syncing is the purpose of drop box of course, but using a server (like XAMPP or MAMP) isn't so simple. Here's a guide I used to set it up: http://kav.in/complete-guide-on-syncing-xampp-and-mamp-using-dropbox/ So that means I use my desktop (with all the power and screens) to develop websites, and also continue development when I leave the house on my laptop (which I do quite a lot with uni and sleeping over in town. On the downside you only get 2GB to play with, but fortunately there's a bunch of ways you can score free space. Since I make a lot of websites (the money-saving way, with a CMS) I don't think that'll last me :) I've also just synced across GDU too which is really large with the database. So I was thinking about offering a deal to you guys. For every member who earns me 500mb space, I will guarantee a spot to use and play around with GDU before it goes live, so the very first testing stage. You could essentially switch over permanently before everyone else (eg I've been using GDU to post here for 5 months). Hopefully there are members around who want that :P Or, you could just be awesome and do it anyway. As I said above, using this does aid the development of GDU since I can use it on both my computers. You can either PM me with your email address (so I can invite you through dropbox) or use the following referral link http://db.tt/EiYx0IXf Thanks to any one who helps out! :)
  15. That's why I'm against name changes, especially if you've got 1k+ posts. I remember on that old dead site Creation Asylum they used to have a monthly name change thing.. ridiculous. Yeah, I'd say we've seen the last of him here (I have little doubt he's around) which is the end of an era for rmxpu. It's just the reality of forums that members will eventually leave and lose interest, particularly with something like game development. I'm glad you're here for another stint :) I've got to get that chatroom fixed up..
  16. I saw this on tv where the parents let their daughter die who was nearly an adult herself. She was in a car accident or something. The fact she was older just made it so much worse, she would have been thinking about her future, uni, etc. And to satisfy their own faith they decide that she is to die. And that's how I look it. The loss of life is so preventable and you intervene, then you're responsible. It sickened me. It truly is a primitive part of their faith. I think the law should step in and prevent them from making these decisions in relation to their children. I have no problem with them making the decision about their own blood transfusions. I couldn't help but notice this Isaac :P I can't help but read this like you're a person of faith and acknowledge that its man made?
  17. Found a nice new web socket based chat. Now just gotta somehow disect the code merged into another php framework and integrate it..

  18. This sounds a lot like dribbble except not just for designers. And of course dribble isn't for projects, its just little shots which probably allows more users to upload rather than rely on larger projects where the potential quantity would be much less. In terms of indie games, I've also got something like that in the works *competition* Is it built with a CMS?
  19. Oh, you haven't seen how fast my internet is? http://goo.gl/aaPqc

    1. Bob423


      i did, but i just want to see how fast speedtest.net says it is

    2. Marked


      well, its slow. Are u happy now :

    3. Bob423
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  20. Aww stop it I hope it's going to be awesome. I made this topic so members don't get really disappointed when it launches with just the forum. I'm really trying to do it properly and without taking shortcuts. There's a long way to go, but we've got a ton of great plans.
  21. This topic is about Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusions. Due to this aspect of their faith, if ever a guardian (usually the parent) needs to give consent on whether or not the patient in question can have a blood transfusion, in most cases they say no and this results in Doctors having no choice but to let them die. The was a recent case in New Zealand about a 2 year old who needs a Kidney transplant + blood transfusions, but without the blood transfusions she's going to die (she's currently being kept artificially alive in hospital). Her parents refuse to let her have them. The health board took it to the High Court and this was the result Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/7280558/Judge-steps-in-to-save-sick-girls-life So I want to know what a few of you think about the decision, and generally this aspect of Jehovah's Witnesses in general (not the validity of religion itself, i don't want one of those pointless debates). To sum up: -What do you think about parents placing faith before the lives of their own children? -Most of us have the right to refuse medical treatment. Should we allow parents to reject life saving treatment to a child in any circumstance? -How far should the law go in protecting the right to faith? What if I created a faith where I killed all the non-believers? Where is the line drawn? -If not for the courts action, the 2 year old girl would die. Do you support the courts ruling?
  22. The fact that IE9 shows javascript effects more smoothly than firefox just annoys me so much...

    1. Bigace360


      I don't use firefox so it doesn't bother me.

    2. ShinGamix


      I use Google Chrome! and I am very happy with it.

    3. Marked


      Lol Bigace I know :) Yeah I duno whether to switch to Chrome or not. I guess if I can get the developer tools like i can on firefox then I will one day :D Not necessarily because I think its better, just because if I make websites in it then I've made them for the majority, excluding IE. http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/2901587_700b.jpg

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  23. Stick around and you can be. I'm not going to say no to anyone, but right now I'm thinking the first members to put their hands up (when the time comes) will get the job because I only need so many and I don't want the same bugs posted over and over. No I'm not moving the topics, they're already at GDU. It uses the same database which allows me to use GDU to make this very post and you can see it both on RMXPU and GDU. So testers can effectively switch permanently and interact with with everyone else on rmxpu, and vice versa. Get it? I've been asked that 10 time at least :P
  24. "indisputable evidence that the [syrian Government] deliberately murdered innocent civilians" - Hillary Clinton. Because governments kill their citizens on prupose for lolz. I call oil on this. I mean bullshit.

  25. It's not there and don't worry about it. Several members have looked into this thoroughly and absolutely nothing turned up.
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