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Everything posted by Foxkit

  1. Foxkit

    Reputation script issue

    What errors? Where did you put the script? How are you calling it? As far as dumbed down goes, you stick this command $game_party.actors[x].aligment += y in a call script command from a dialouge choice. you have to replace the first x with what position in the party the actor is in. (ie, if they are the first one in the menu, you put either 0. If they are the second member down, you put a 1.) and the y is how much you want to change their alignment by.
  2. Foxkit

    Reputation script issue

    Using $game_party.actors[x].alignment += y (x being the actor's position in the party: 0 being 1st, 1 being 2nd, etc) you can add y to the actor's alignment number (100 being good.) and use - instead of + to subtract from the alignment number (-100 being full evil) Using a conditional branch, and the command: $game_party.actors[x].alignment > x you can set x to 0 (or higher) for the actor to be that much good and have the event execute, or do the opposite for evil (using a negative number) It's within the same post that you referenced if your looking for dialogue choices specifically, the second bit is what your looking for.
  3. All I know so far is that It's real name is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. or PPACT for short. Obama care is the pet name the Republicans decided to give the legislation. Reading it so far seems to suggest that it makes it illegal not to have health insurance, and, that if you can't afford healthcare, the government will subsidies you so that you can afford it. There also seems to be mention of no barment of healthcare based on preexisting conditions. However, I'm no expert, and I may not have a single clue as to what I'm talking about. >.< (though I wish that isn't the case, since I have to vote in September.)
  4. It does help. Sure, Insurances can decline to pay, but there is still a chance that the Insurance will pay. However if you don't have ANY kind of insurance at all... you get nothing(unless your stupidly rich and don't need insurance to pay your medical bills... but that's besides the point.) There is a quote that I used to see when I was in elementary school. "You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take." This can be directly related to your quote. Having a 25% chance of getting healthcare is better than having a 0% chance because you don't have insurance. No it's not fair. Considering that the United States is the only developed country WITHOUT a national healthcare system (Source Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences) It isn't fair at all that you are denied healthcare because of preexisting conditions. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if one could sue for being denied healthcare for that reason... (there is probably some loophole to keep that from happening to insurances because it is a business.) By all rights though, it could be considered a hate crime. Look at the movie Gattica, a man is denied access to his dream because of preexisting conditions that he has no control over. One could draw a direct parallel between being denied healthcare because of a DNA condition, and between being denied healthcare because of preexisting condition. It's essentially a hate crime. (I'll step off of my soapbox now...)
  5. Good to know; so to get an instance of something you have to do Name_Of_Class.new correct? What about Line 102? @item1 = @item_window.item Is this only working because, a. It's being called in a scene instead of a window? or b. It's being called with @item_window having an instance floating about. I'm assuming that this particular problem is the reason why coding generally gets done on paper first :)
  6. I think it does... so then, could I do something like this using Window_EquipItem() ? Class Window_EquipmentStats < Window_Base def initialize(id) super(0, 244, 272, 192) self.contents = Bitmap.net(width - 32, height - 32) @item = Window_EquipItem.Item case @item when RPG::Weapon draw_parameter = draw_weapon_parameter() when RPG::Armor draw_parameter = draw_armor_parameter() end @id = id refresh end It sounds a lot like some meta programing is going on. So I belive I'm understanding it, but I'm not too sure.
  7. I'm interested in how windows toss information around within scenes, examples of places are in the default Scene_Menu, when you pick skills, equip, or status, you pick a party member and that info is passed on using .index. I'm just curios as to how the called scenes receive this information if they set the index to 0 in the initialize portion of the script. Also, how does Scene_Equip toss info between Window_EquipLeft, Window_EquipRight, and Window_EquipItem. If you hover over a different Item in Window_EquipItem it displays the updated information in Window_EquipLeft. I don't see any specific passing of information besides a small section around line 80 and line 102 of Scene_Equip, and beyond that I'm still extremely fuzzy.
  8. Hmm, I guess for me first it's mechanics(scripts) but I develop the Story along with in a general sense, after I've done the mechanics I go into the story and the world map. That way I can decide what's important and where it goes while the story is being developed. Most importantly though, is an idea that makes me think, "I would love to make a tribute to that." Or, "That sounds like a game I would want to play... I wanna make it" :D. Is that the kind of answer you were looking for?
  9. I think this is the first time I've actually had to stop playing a game to sit down and think about a choice presented in the game.... wow... just wow....

    1. Bigace360


      What? long, annoying, and can't be skipped if you've seen over 9000 times.

    2. Foxkit


      I personally enjoyed it, but I was also 9 or 10 at the time.

    3. Kevin.ds


      Legend of the dragoon !!!!!! love that game

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. I would answer, but I have no idea on how to even start answering... I sucked at Zork and its descendents T-T
  11. No idea, I haven't gotten in on any of the beta's yet. They look like a playstyle I would like though :)
  12. I know it's cluttered to death but... No easy way of hiding things in Windows XP... If this was Linux there would be nothing bob, you have finnally beaten me in terms of Zelda Wallpapers... :o
  13. Interested? Very much so. Though I want to see it's staying power vs WoW before I decide to get too into it. I'm really liking the Messmer and Elementalist(Sp?) classes though so far. For races I'll probably pick Norns... so a Norn Mesmer xD
  14. Is this an event or did you edit Scene_Menu/ Window_MenuStatus?
  15. Question for the Coders: How do you tell ruby to round up or down?

    1. kellessdee


      you have a few options:


      -rounds to the next integer towards 0, so

      1.5.floor => 1

      (-1.5).floor => -1


      -rounds to the next integer away from 0, so

      1.5.ceil => 2

      (-1.5).ceil => -2


      -just like standard rounding, if >= 0.5 round up, if < 0.5 round down, so

      1.5.round = 2

      1.4.round = 1



      -these methods simply chop off the fractional bit, so


    2. kellessdee


      1.5.truncate => 1

      1.4.to_i => 1


      more info: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Float.html

    3. Foxkit


      Thats exactly what I needed to know :D Thanks Kell

  16. :( The orthodontists decided to clamp my mouth shut with the illusion of freedom with something called rubber bands... 6 of them...

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      hehe, bummer. But straight teeth and jaw line can be a huge asset in life.

    2. Foxkit


      I know, but it doesn't help that I have to replace the bands every four hours because they snap :/

    3. Jon Bon
  17. Foxkit

    June Voting

    A maincoon is a type of kitty... and big... I want my kitty back pls :(
  18. ... I thought I fixed it... It was working perfectly 5 minutes ago... :/ why CMS? why?

    1. Bob423


      its been like 5 years

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Good on you foxkit, keep at it. Patience and perseverance wins out.

    3. Foxkit


      @Bob, yes I'm still working on it :/

      it doesn't feel like co-operating. But I'm also working on the equipment system. I just recently got it to display the items. Now I just have to get the stats, elements, and item consumption working as well xD.

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  19. Foxkit

    June Voting

    *takes a kitten* do you have mancoons? xD
  20. the one night I go to bed on time, is also the only night that I get freakish pains in one of my legs.. .what gives!?

    1. Bob423


      lol your bed hates you

    2. isaacsol


      I get that sometimes, but it is because I am too big for the bed ¬_¬

  21. After revisiting my CMS, I can finally say I've fixed the bugger :D it now moves when called and before disposing

  22. O.O I forgot to reply to this, I am soo sorry that I must necropost for this. The script works fine Kell, thanks I also finnally figured out what I was doing wrong with the alias,
  23. well... all the party members are going to have some sort of animal feature... so I'm hopping it'll fit in. Thanks again for the sprite :)
  24. I just compiled and ran my first C++ program almost entirly from bash :3 I'm pleased for tonight.

    1. Foxkit


      On a side note: I can't get flash to install on this linux box :/

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