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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. That one is perfect for number 1. I would have no clue how to even make that into number 2. Its not really teleporting through time and space. well maybe space but not time well also might be time so yea but not teleportation. More like a multiverse box that can bring items between parallel universes. I will try to figure out a way to explain it in game.
  2. Im wondering if anyone could spare some time to make me a neat script. It doesnt have to be private just for me but for everyone to enjoy and use :D This script needs 2 parts. Part 1: I need a private item storage script that will allow a person to store things like they would in real life and be able to have multiple containers. EX: a pot will be able to store lets say 5 items and a chest will be able to store 25 items but those storage containers are not shared. If i put items in the pot they wont show up in the chest when i open them and vice versa. Syntax EX: $scene = Scene_Storage[num, size].new num = the storage id. EX: 1 would be the pot, 2 would be the chest,3 would be whatever, etc.... size = how many items can fit in the container Full syntax in use: $scene = Scene_Storage[1, 5].new That would mean when the callscript is used it will open container #1 with whatever items the player put in them and the player can put a max of 5 items in it. Part 2: Part 2 might be a little tricky. It needs to be the same as the top one but every item put in these containers is shared across save files. EX: Save 1 puts potions in container 1. When save 2, 3, or 4 access that same container on their save the potions will be in there. when they take the potions out it will no longer be in there for other saves. This is shared storage. Syntax EX: $scene = Scene_SharedStorage[num, size].new Finally the reason for this. The reason for this is because my game is going to be random loot heavy and you will have an item limit so you cant carry 10000lbs worth stuff like other games. The reason for sharing between saves is simple. If you find a rare item and want to give it to a friend on another save file you have the ability to. You dont want to be an assassin and have a weapon you cant use. just give it to another save then :D. If you need more info please feel free to ask :D.
  3. Thanks. This makes the perfect desktop background. Looks a little funky since i cropped it but its fine.
  4. Sweet. Can you upload a 1920x1080 image so it doesnt look so stretched on my 1080p monitor?
  5. 1 Vote away from a tie and 1 more day. This is going to be a close one.
  6. I know my family will get a WiiU but it wont last long just like the wii didnt. it took a good month before they quit playing games on it and only used it for netflix. Even new games bought only got played for a day. So i can say the same will mostly happen the same with the WiiU. Its a short lived console. I still say Gamecube and Snes was the best consoles they made. I never liked games for Nintendo tbh. Only games i cared for was LOZ and but i gave up on those because they all feel like the same exact game over and over. Once Mario went 3D i lost interest. And everything Nintendo feels like a kids console. Must be the graphics style. Will i get the WiiU for my self? No. I hate motion gaming. I like the hardcore controller, keyboard and mouse style of gaming. I guess im to much of a hardcore/classic gamer to get into these new consoles/games.
  7. Welcome to GDU :D. If you were here on the old site you should be able to use your old user account.
  8. Nice. Everything looks well put together and the graphics fit very well. the request a title is a neat idea. :D
  9. Updated the top post as best as i can. All i did was copy that and paste it into a htm file opened it up in the web browser. copied that back here and went through and did all the code tags.
  10. Maybe add some cracks in the ground cause no city/town has perfect sidewalks and definitely not perfect streets. There should be scorch marks on the ground because theres a car that was on fire. Theres a car with some bullet holes in it so it might be a good idea to place some bullet holes on the ground near it unless who did it was a perfect shot. Last but not least the flashing lights should be moved over to the right little. looks like the lights are coming from near the tire and the back windshield. Was the first thing i noticed about the map. Just remember. Its a city. Theres usually papers around the ground but not to much clutter. Maybe a mailbox sometimes or an ad on the wall/post Other than those tips good job. I always enjoyed your mapping Tom :D.
  11. What's on your mind?

    1. Marked


      I just noticed that lol and Wyz, technically you're correct, its GDU, but the functionality overlaps here :D

    2. madanchi


      Rusty swords. Not sure why, just popped in my head.

    3. Wyzrd


      Mark got what I was saying!

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  12. This is how these things go when no one else gets nominated. This is ran by the members. So its up to the members to nominate/vote.
  13. How many bytes in a cookie?

    1. Nisage


      Easy, 1 Byte, if it's an Oreo cookie that is.

  14. What do you mean? I made this topic see? :P jk xd. I don't know if i should vote for "Wyzrd" or "Wyzrd, again!". Both deserve it very much :D.
  15. September Voting Welcome everyone to the MOTM September Voting. I am your host Polraudio here to give you coverage as votes happen. Please remember not to vote for who you like but vote for who deserves it. Don't forget to vote because its your right to vote as a member whether you have 3500 posts or -100,100,750. In this months mash-up we have the following people to vote for. -Wyzrd Anyone who doesn't vote will be attacked by fluffy kittens. ~Meow~ People who vote will be able to keep these fluffy kittens after they attacked the other members. Remember to vote responsibly and don't vote and drive.
  16. I mainly drink Mountain Dew(regular and dark berry), and Pepsi(mainly cherry). Sometimes i will have tap water(see no reason to buy water when i can get it for free).
  17. This sounds like a great idea. If someone doesn't rep for every help they get the chances someone will help next time will be lower. In time people will just learn to use the rep system to get help and people will be more willing to help. After someone registers you should have a tutorial system before it allows them access to the forums. Or something that pops up on first login that they can view to see how everything works. That way people are aware of the current systems like rep.
  18. Welcome Erica....oh wait that's your steam name....umm oh welcome back joey :P.
  19. Its there. Just not on the side of the forums like it was on RMXPU. I think it may be planned to be put on the dashboard if there's still a plan for a dashboard. I think its great having its own page. It makes it easier to read.
  20. Micro blocks is apart of Red Power 2. Tekkit is over complex which makes it fun. Its not all about tubes. In fact only 2% of it is tubes. Its fun when you make your first generator and work your way up to learning a nuclear reactor(i blew up my house a few times lol then learned how to use ice for cooling). It benefits tons. You can actually work your way up to the technology age of living like a caveman. With the Red Power 2 blocks you can make places look however you want with the 100's of different small blocks for each type of block. Theres even computers you can program stuff with. You can program auto builders, scrolling text screens, timers, you name it and you can make it. I use to be the same way as you till i actually tried tekkit. It just takes an hour with the wiki and you will be having a blast in no time. It makes legit play even more fun.
  21. 1 word. Tekkit. Since you like building theres plenty of stuff to build with like micro blocks. After i tried tekkit i can no longer play vanilla minecraft. http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/
  22. It annoys me so much when people sleep during the damn day. Get some sleep at night people. Made plans with someone and they sleep during the day when i needed them the most. Then they wonder why i dont want to play when they wake up. SORRY im sleeping when you want to play because its midnight.

    1. Wyzrd


      Oh I know how that can be haha. I used to sleep all day and be up all night. Or just up for days and nights at a time. Then reality set in and I got damned job that wants me at work at 7am everyday.

  23. Ë™uÇddÉÉ¥ ʇuoÊ Ê‡Ä± ʇnq ÇÊŒÉÇן Çɯ ÇÊžÉɯ oʇ ʎɹʇ uÉÉ” noÊŽ Ë™ÇÊŒÉÇן ɹÇÊŒÇu ×Ÿ×ŸÄ±Ê Ä± Ë™ÇɹÇÉ¥ ןןıʇs ɯı. XD

    1. Bob423


      what if we don't want you to leave lol

    2. Marked


      A wild Polraudio appears, it's super rare :D

    3. Polraudio
  24. I completely forgot about MOTM to be honest. Im still here and will never go away. I missed 1 month of it due to work and forgot about it ever since. I need some way to send me a reminder PM or something every month on the 14th. That would be a good idea for a feature. Custom member reminders. It would be personal and no one can see what other members have in their reminders. I bet other memebers have lots on there plate and would love to be reminded to finish a script or resource for someone.
  25. I been playing in the order of most to least: Minecraft(Mainly Tekkit Mod Pack) Guild Wars 2 Eve Online(Part of Str8nge Brew Alliance(Null sec))
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