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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Very nice menu. Think you could add background animation to all menu scripts(item, status, etc...)?
  2. I would have to say Star Ocean the Second Story is still my favorite game of all time. I know someone else feels the same way :P
  3. I have switched back to my windows 7 hard drive. So behold my windows 7 desktop. Its how windows 8 should be. Using rainmeter.
  4. No i didnt mod that at all. Thats windows 8's start menu. Its kind of annoying to go there. But on windows 7 thats how my desktop looks with the taskbar.
  5. I have no start menu lol. Windows 8 uses a stupid metro thingy as the start menu. Here is what my start menu looks like. You could really count this as another desktop.
  6. Passed my drivers test. I am now legal to drive. So if you see me get on the road and off the sidewalk if your walking :P. JK

    1. Nisage


      Nice, congrads.

    2. Polraudio


      OMG its Nisage :D

    3. Nisage


      Yep, I'm back, and I'm trying to stay back.

  7. Welcome to RMXPU. :D If you need anything at all feel free to ask. Cant wait to see your project.
  8. If you haven't voted yet vote now. You have till Sunday morning to vote.
  9. Nice use of rainmeter kev :D Heres my crappy windows 8 desktop. Once i get back on my windows 7 drive i will take a screenshot of that. I also use rainmeter. Very awesome tool. Maybe i will make my windows 8 desktop look better with rainmeter.
  10. sorry we only have kittens. We have 18,686 Kittens left.
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen and Marked dont forget to vote http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/8790-june-voting/

    1. Bob423


      leave it to marked to exaggerate it.

    2. Polraudio


      ???? never said i wanted you to die.

    3. Marked



  12. June Voting Welcome everyone to the MOTM June Voting. I am your host Polraudio here to give you coverage as votes happen . Please remember not to vote for who you like but vote for who deserves it. Don't forget to vote because its your right to vote as a member whether you have 3500 posts or -100,100,750. In this months mash-up we have the following people to vote for. LaDestitue kellessdee Polraudio Bigace ForeverZer0 MoonPearl Anyone who doesn't vote will be attacked by fluffy kittens. ~Meow~ People who vote will be able to keep these fluffy kittens after they attacked the other members. Remember to vote responsibly and don't vote and drive .
  13. Added a non-mobile version for other users. Im not a big fan of xbox but i do like those specs. Nice to see consoles having more than 512mb of ram now.
  14. Polraudio


    Don't feel bad im in the 80% of being addicted. I been playing at least 8 hours a day since Alpha came out.
  15. Whoa there! Please look at the date of the last post before posting. This is almost 1 year old. Next time make a new topic linking to this one . PM a mod or admin before posting if you are unsure about a topic next time. ~Topic Closed~
  16. June Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: LaDestitue kellessdee Polraudio Bigace ForeverZer0 MoonPearl ------ Lost of people who deserve MOTM this month
  17. Forgot about motm again :(. Will do it fitst thing in the morning. Better then me forgetting a week later.

  18. Well worth it. Once you use those mods you will never use vanilla again(like me). If you need directions on how to install them i can make a guide with purdy pictures.
  19. This server is going to have a few tech mods for you to enjoy minecraft with. Once you play minecraft with these mods you will never want to play vanilla anymore. The server is ran by my friend Tatsu(Blackbound), and me. But he is the top admin and has access to everything. Im just a regular server admin. The server contains the following mods. Buildcraft (2.x NOT 3.x, and ALL of 2.x) Industrialcraft RedPower (ALL of it) Equivalent Exchange Railcraft Forestry (for 2.x) Wireless Redstone Chickenbones Edition (ALL of it) This server is a Whitelist server so you will have to apply on their site to join. You can apply right here http://arktekdev.net...x.php?topic=7.0 Any applications posted here will not be approved since i dont do the approving. Heres the link to the server info. http://arktekdev.net/Forum/index.php?topic=6.0 Look at the bottom of that post for the link to the package of required mods for the server. You cant join without them. Make sure to delete the Meta folder after putting all mods in. If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask :D
  20. ~Posts Merged~ Please dont double post. I like the sprites. The game idea is going to be interesting to see come to life. I really dont know of many side scroller RPG's. An open world side scroller might be kind of hard to do unless you put some type of fast travel. People wont want to play if they have to go left and right for 30min non stop to get back to the 1st town for a quest. If you need any ideas please ask.
  21. Testing out Windows 8 Release Preview 64bit

    1. Polraudio


      So far its good. as long as i dont go into the start menu im fine with it :D

    2. kellessdee


      Lmao! I'm out of the loop of windows 8; is the start menu that tile-stuff?

    3. Polraudio


      yup. Metro is what its called.

  22. I need the ability to ban spambots instead of just warn them :(

    1. isaacsol


      I find it annoying that I have to go to the ACP to do it ¬_¬

    2. Polraudio


      i would gladly do it if i could. Keep my duties as a mod and just give me ACP access so i can ban these things.

    3. Marked


      If you just warn them to lvl10 its effectively the same thing. Then eventually their accounts will get pruned.


      I'll see if I'm missing something that occurred in an upgrade, because it would be odd that mods can't ban due to the software.


      But I'm super busy.. I'm like a zombie right now. Damn exams... :(

  23. Polraudio

    Driver's ED

    When i took it i was also nervous as hell. I did very bad at driving that i scared everyone in the vehicle. One of the reason for me doing bad was because of the instructor. He yelled very loud if you did something wrong. Luckly a week after when it was time to drive again the instructor was busy so they had to hire another instructor. This instructor was awesome! We drove for 2 hours each day and he didnt yell. When he seen i did something wrong he calmly told me what i did wrong and how i can avoid what i did next time. This instructor made me feel so calm when driving. Now im an awesome driver instead of almost getting into wrecks from the bad instructor. EX of Each: Instructor 1: What the f*** is your problem? You turned to early and ended in the wrong lane. You would have almost got us killed if there was a car coming. Instructor 2: You turned to early. Next time you might want to pull up a little more before turning :). After driving with Instructor 2 i got so good that when the time came back to drive with Instructor 1 i did so well i didnt even have to drive the rest of the required hours before getting my permit. All i can tell you is try not to get nervous and always keep your eyes on the road and around you. Always turn your head back to the left to look behind you when doing a merge(blind spots so its required).
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