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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I think the reason for all of E3 sucking is because most of the game companies are focused on making games for the next gen consoles that are around the corner(end of 2013 maybe). Next E3 better be good.
  2. OMFG. So amazing kevin . Just when i thought you couldn't amaze me more you manage to. Cant wait to try this out
  3. Glad im not the only one who thought about e3 like you did. I didnt care for really anything in e3. The only thing that caught my attention and i might get is Last of Us. Didnt even care for microsoft. watched half of it and got sick of it. Sony was alright but they went over that damn book to much. Nintendo seems like i seen and played it already. Nintendo in general makes me feel like im 5 years old. Only 1 thing im looking forward to is Last of Us and thats it.
  4. Wow everyone just now starts seeing a creeper face on the moon. :| They thought i was crazy when i was the only one who noticed it 5 months ago.

    1. Polraudio


      Talk about real life moon btw.

    2. Bob423


      that just shows how addicted to minecraft you are :P

  5. Nothing good in E3 so far :(

    1. Kevin.ds



      "WATCH DOGS"

      most epic thing ever

  6. Did lots of geocaches this weekend :D.

    1. Polraudio


      Didnt find anything neat yet. The places these things are in are insane. We had to literally climb up and down a mtn. Well more like slide down one lol. I thought of advertising a few times lol.

    2. Polraudio


      If you have a GPS you should go do some in your area.

    3. kellessdee


      haha, sounds like you had a good time :P unfortunately I do not have a GPS however, I am considering buying one just for this purpose.

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  7. Same. The only thing i use hue for is fogs, panoramas, and some events like chests.
  8. MOTM voting has ended. Both Kellessdee and Jon Bon win. You both deserve it very very much :D. Topic will be closed in 24 hours.
  9. Sorry i been gone. Been trying to get my life in order. I may be off and on during June. Dont forget to vote if motm if you havent. 10 hours left to do so.

    1. kellessdee


      Don't be sorry! I hope you get everything sorted out :)

    2. Jon Bon
    3. Bob423


      good luck pol :D

  10. This is so much better than having a switch set to always on.
  11. I got that message at top from steam. I think its a shared computer and he has steam set for auto-login. Wish there was more info we can go off of. I sent an email to him and got almost the same thing.
  12. ~topic moved~ If you add/remove characters using battle events they should come and go during battle. EDIT: might be easier to use bigaces way.
  13. Its because of the engine its self. I would suggest learning unity or udk to make ios or android games.
  14. Welcome back Tom :D. Glad you could join us again :). Can't wait to play your game. If you need help you know who to call(ghostbusters). If you plan on porting a RPG Maker game over to android you cant :(.
  15. Looks like im getting a new toy for all my knives, hammers, and screwdrivers . Last toy that came threw the window didnt last very long .
  16. Anyone who wants to make a surprise visit i marked my place :D
  17. OMG. you wouldnt guess what i just saw in Game of Thrones. http://i.imgur.com/yF13X.jpg

    1. Polraudio


      Might be. Theres lots of town names the same as skyrim in that series.

    2. Kevin.ds


      he used to be in game of thrones but then he took.....

    3. Polraudio


      lol. good one kevin

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  18. As far as i know theres no way to set the critical % by default. Might have to find a script.
  19. I seen an option to import/export themes. You might be able to export it and edit the HTML then import it?
  20. Problem i have. I must have left 5 sites in the past year because i forgot my password. They force you to have a capitol in it. Even knowing my passwords are mostly the same i cant remember what letter was capitol or if the site wanted a letter or number first. I have a number first for mine and some sites require a letter. I dont even bother with sites now days that require such things. Off topic a little. Another thing that drives me crazy is some sites make you have a different username than your login or email. So most of the time im forced to use Polraudi0. It looks very stupid and takes away from who i really am. 1 character is harder to guess than a password that is 123456789, or qwertyuiop.
  21. Note: Kiriashi is alive and well, of course. He came forward to us and admitted his mistake, and confirmed he has left the site for good. I put this in the news section because he was a very big part in our community. Without him we wouldn't have made it this far. Kiriashi died a hero by pushing a kid out of the way of a truck running a red light. If your wondering how i found out T.T
  22. Very nice script :D I would set the opacity anywhere from 175-200.
  23. May Voting People To Vote For: -kellessdee -Jon Bon ---- Good luck you 2. You deserve it.
  24. I know lots about being a forum Admin. The only problem i have is mysql. I dont really know much about the database. So when you have to move to a paid hosting I wouldn't know how to go about making the database work after transfer. If you need anything else i will be glad to moderate your forums and possibly help you develop games.
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